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Trees Vermont Tree Service

Primary Care Arborists

When To Hire An Arborist?

Tree Service Tree Care Tree Removal Tree Pruning : We're Growing

The internet and it's wealth of information is awesome!

There are vast numbers of do-it-yourself guides and videos available to help you learn how to do your own tree maintenance.

Taking care of your trees can be enjoyable and rewarding. But treecare comes with some inherent risks you might not be aware of.

Your success, health and safety are of great concern to us. We want you to be able to continue to enjoy your Life and your Trees!

Here are some of the most common, and certainly not the only, times to call your Trees Vermont Arborists.

Ladders Kill!


Many Arborists have one opinion of Ladders: No Ladders Allowed!

Homeowner statistics are clear, falls from ladders are a major cause of serious injury to homeowners.

Please, for your own safety Never Use a Ladder In A Tree!

Tree Service Tree Care Tree Removal Tree Pruning : We're Growing


When a limb is too large to be cut with hand shears or loppers then it is large enough to cause injury or damage.

When a limb is too high to reach from the ground, then it has the potential to cause catastrophic damage.

When you have to leave the ground to prune you place yourself at surprising risk for injury, even death.

UK workplace data found that 77% of the major injuries caused by falls occurred within 6 feet of the ground or less! The same data reported that falls from as little as 6'1" accounted for a whopping 70% of fall fatalities. (data from HSE, UK:HSE-UK Fall Report)

If working on your tree means leaving the ground then don't think twice, call your Trees Vermont Arborist!

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Take downs

Taking down trees is the most hazardous tree work for homeowners. When should you call your Trees Vermont arborists?

  • Is your tree more than 8 feet tall?
  • Does the tree lean, regardless the direction?
  • Do you think it needs to be climbed, limbed or topped?
  • Do you think it needs to be pulled over with a rope?
  • If something went wrong, could you live with the consequences?

Even when everything is set up according to plan, the tree can do something unexpected. Just look at the picture to the right.

The tree in the picture to the right looks like it started as a textbook felling operation but the tree apparently had other intentions.

Let's make sure that after the work is done you are able to enjoy the rest of the day healthy and happy! When in doubt, call your Trees Vermont Arborists!

Valuable Targets

Limbs and trees almost always end up much longer than they first appear and have a tendency to land on things you don't want harmed.

And let's not forget the most important target...YOU!

Standing under a tree while working on it puts you right in the cross hairs of whatever is falling out of the tree.

Any time there are targets such as wires, sheds, cars, people or buildings you should call your Trees Vermont Arborists.

Tree Service Tree Care Tree Removal Tree Pruning : We're Growing

Never Climb Without Proper Training and Equipment

Tree work is recognized as one of the most hazardous jobs in the world.

This unfortunate truth is caused in large part, by under-trained and amateur tree workers.

When it comes to non-professional related chainsaw and tree care related injuries homeowners end up having far worse accidents and and injuries.

Let the Pros do the climbing! Call your Trees Vermont Arborists!


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Other Times to Call Your Arborist

Storm damage, widow makers and power lines all make for unpredictable situations that you should have an arborist take care of.

We cannot possibly list all the times you should call your Arborist but prudence, judgment and rational thinking should be your guides.

Your Trees Vermont Arborists are here to help.

Contact Us Today!

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